英語でホ・オポノポノ(by サトラサレ)






『Zero Limits』(p.42)に、次のような一節があります。

Dr. Hew Len explained, “Simply put, ho’oponopono means, ‘to make right’ or ‘to rectify an error.’ Ho’o means ‘cause’ in Hawaiian and ponopono means ‘perfection.’

ホ・オポノポノは「to make right」または「to rectify an error」を意味します。


Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More

『Hawaiian Dictionary』の定義が引用されています。

"Hoʻoponopono" is defined in the Hawaiian Dictionary as:

(a) "To put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up make orderly or neat, administer, superintend, supervise, manage, edit, work carefully or neatly; to make ready, as canoemen preparing to catch a wave."

(b) "Mental cleansing: family conferences in which relationships were set right (hoʻoponopono) through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution and forgiveness."

Literally, hoʻo is a particle used to make an actualizing verb from the following noun. Here, it creates a verb from the noun pono, which is defined as: "...goodness, uprightness, morality, moral qualities, correct or proper procedure, excellence, well-being, prosperity, welfare, benefit, true condition or nature, duty; moral, fitting, proper, righteous, right, upright, just, virtuous, fair, beneficial, successful, in perfect order, accurate, correct, eased, relieved; should, ought, must, necessary."

Ponopono is defined as "to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat."

 (a)を読むと、put to rights(正す、整頓する)の詳細として、「correct(正す)」「rectify(修正する)」のほかに、「regulate(規制する、統制する)」、「supervise(監督する)」 、「work carefully or neatly(注意深くまたは手際よく作業する)」など、さまざまな意味合いが含まれていることがわかります。
to make ready, as canoemen preparing to catch a wave(カヌーに乗る人が波をとらえる準備をするように、準備をする)」というハワイ的な表現も興味深いです。

(b)は、いわゆる伝統的ホ・オポノポノ(traditional ho'oponopono)についての説明です。

「ホ・オ」は、それに続く名詞から動詞を作るときに使われる接辞語である(hoʻo is a particle used to make an actualizing verb from the following noun)、ということも書かれています。

また、「pono」という語にも、「goodness, uprightness, morality, moral qualities, correct or proper procedure, excellence, well-being, prosperity, welfare, benefit, true condition or nature, duty; moral, fitting, proper, righteous, right, upright, just, virtuous, fair, beneficial, successful, in perfect order, accurate, correct, eased, relieved; should, ought, must, necessary」など、さまざまな意味が含まれていることがわかります。


Peace be with you, 

Hawaiian Dictionary: Hawaiian-English, English-Hawaiian

Hawaiian Dictionary: Hawaiian-English, English-Hawaiian